Generate feature failure

I get this error when I try to generate features,

*Creating windows from 1 files...*
*Job started*
*Scheduling job in cluster...*

*Attached to job 1994967...*
*[1/1] Creating windows from files...*
*[1/1] Creating windows from files...*
* *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "/app/input-block-preprocessing/", line 86, in <module>*
*    window = sn.resample_poly(window, target_freq, sample_freq, axis=ds_axis)*
*  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/signal/", line 3089, in resample_poly*
*    h = firwin(2 * half_len + 1, f_c, window=window)*
*  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/signal/", line 457, in firwin*
*    m = np.arange(0, numtaps) - alpha*
*ValueError: Maximum allowed size exceeded*
*Error windowing Downsample error code was not 0, but was 1*
*Downsample error code was not 0, but was 1*

*Application exited with code 1 (Error)*

*Job failed (see above)*

I tried adjusting window size, window increase and frequency with no luck.

Can you please help me

Hello @Peak,

I just had a look at your project and your dataset is too big (2104 hours), can you try splitting your dataset into smaller samples (about 1 min for each samples for example) and reduce the size of your dataset (two or three hours).
I have seen that you are sampling at 1Hz, maybe you can add a bit more than three hours with this sampling rate but better to start small and increase progressively.

Feel free to send me an email at with some details of your project and I might increase a bit your job limit compute time. However, within the free tier version, you probably won’t be able to train a model using your full dataset.

Best regards,
