Fullfilling a real need -THANK YOU

I went the full way with googles “Micro Speech Training” including porting to ESP32 and getting the python training part set-up + running. Its a nightmare.

Thanks to your solution, its exactly taking away this complexity at the right places - and still providing the flexibility to modify. Within one evening I get the same result - compared to many hours of work. COOL

ML on EdgeDevices is key technology, I am working in Pharma and SupplyChain - and it has great capabilities.

Keep going!


Nice, how do you deploy the. your edge impulse model to ESP32?

Its easy…you need to export the model as the Arduino IDE script pattern from the Deployment tab in Edge Impulse studio and from then you can compile it in the Arduino IDE and upload it to the ESP32 board…and you’re done!
I would suggest you to go through the reference docs once…which can help you more.

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@Christian42 :rocket:!!