Format of CSV file upload

Dear ForumFolks,

When uploading data via CSV import, I get the following error:

The raw data itself is fully built up as documented in and as can be seen here:

accX accY accZ gyroX gyroY gyroZ press0 press1
46 60 -1063 -5201 9248 -3688 0 1799
46 61 -1064 -5215 9288 -3692 0 1799
45 60 -1064 -5271 9231 -3714 0 1799
46 61 -1064 -5320 9292 -3727 0 1798

What might be causing this issue?

Best regards,

@Pieter, You’re missing the timestamp column.

:man_facepalming: That’s just plain dumb…

In my defense, I was experimenting with the CSV file contents because I’m always getting this downsample error when generating the spectral features:
MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

Happens to be resolved by playing a lot with the windows Size, Window Increase and Frequency settings in the Create impulse section. :wink:

Thanks Sir @janjongboom !

Best regards,