FOMO not working for two different objects in a single frame

Will the FOMO model detect more than one different object in a frame? I have trained the model to detect two different objects (a banana and a cup). After training and retraining the model, when I tried to classify in real-time, with both objects in the frame at the same time, it wasn’t able to detect anything. Is this something I can fix, if so how?

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Context/Use case:
Detecting two objects in the same frame using FOMO model using iPhone camera during live classification

When two different objects were shown in the frame at the same time, the model wasn’t able to detect anything

Expected Results:
Originally, I expected for both objects to be detected in the frame

Actual Results:
When both objects were shown together, none of them were able to be detected


  • Always


  • Platform: [iPhone camera]

Hi @rakshana

You should be able to track two different classes with FOMO without issue, this looks like a poor dataset / class imbalance issue. Try to follow our model improvement guide: Increasing model performance | Edge Impulse Documentation



Thanks, Eoin for the suggestions! I will try these methods in my project.

Hello @rakshana,

I just had a quick look at your project and my suggestion would be to:

  • add more images to your dataset
  • also add images with both the banana and the cup in the same frame

