I try to training model to detect driver drowsiness with 4 object detection/classification using FOMO, but alwayas get accuracy lower than 80% and also on F1 Scores.
here is the labeling will be:
mata terpejam = closed eye
mata terbuka = open eye
menguap = yawn
tidak menguap = not yawn
Due to limitations time training, i try to use BYOM and increase di epochs up to 50-100 but get still similiar results.
Could you guys help to debug, what happen actually? and any advice to get better accuracy?
I’d consider changing your dataset where it contains those two classes.
Also your yawn and not yawn classes contains eyes, which will be considered as background during the training.
For the confusion matrix, we apply some custom scoring to FOMO. If I remember correctly, you can find it in the expert mode with a name like CentroidScoring. But I am not sure where you can find the source code.
Also, I did a webinar on FOMO some time ago, feel free to watch it to understand the underlying concepts.