Failed to run impulse error code was not 0

failed to run impulse error code was not 0

**Project ID:368747

**Context/Use case:

import serial
import subprocess
import time

ser = serial.Serial(

if ser.isOpen():
print(“is open”)

while True:
if ser.in_waiting > 0:
data = ser.readline()

    command_output = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l"])  
    command_output = command_output.decode('utf-8').strip()
    ser.write(command_output.encode('utf-8') + b"\n")

except KeyboardInterrupt:

Last night I was able to run the edge-impulse-linux-runner normally, but after I used usb to ttl test and sent the cli result to the serial port tool, the above problem occurred (the data failed to be sent to the serial port tool).

Hi @spike

Can you run the following to see if the device is still named the same? Thanks!

USB still connected?

sudo ls /dev/tty*

Run the impulse in debug and post the output?

--debug - run the impulse in debug mode, this will print the intermediate DSP results. For image models, a live feed of the camera and inference results will also be locally hosted and available in your browser.



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The tty device is connected normally, I want to transmit the Jetson Nano recognition result to the stm32 microcontroller and mobile phone APP, it should be that I installed anaconda and TensorFlow and caused a problem with the configuration environment, the following is the error I ran the command:

I want to transfer the Jetson Nano recognition result to the stm32 microcontroller and mobile APP, the recognition result is the same as on the picture, is there any way? Thank you very much for your help!