Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]

Hi All,

When I run: edge-impulse-run-impulse in the cli, I get the following message: “Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]” (inferencing works fine though).

And, according to the docs (Impulse runner - Edge Impulse Documentation) there should be a line with : “Finished inferencing, raw data is stored in ‘/fs/device-classification.4’. Use AT+UPLOADFILE to send back to Edge Impulse”. But I don’t see that as output in the cli.

Please, any ideas why this is the case? And where is (should) the inferencing output data (be) stored?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @GerverA,

Which device are you deploying to?
The output example in the documentation refers to the ST Discovery kit which has a filesystem (more details in the code here). Raw data is usually not stored locally for most boards but only persists in memory.


Hi @aurel
I have same problem on board Arduino nano 33 ble sense.
when i do
its outputing:
[SER] Connecting to COM6
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]
[SER] Retrieved configuration
[SER] Device is running AT command version 1.8.0

This user has no projects, create one before continuing

even tho i clearly have project created…


Hi @Simeon112

Can you please upgrade your edge impulse CLI and arduno cli?

for edge impulse →
npm update -g edge-impulse-cli

You may be out of sync with the latest, also if this persists reflash your firmware to the ble 33.

Hope this helps,

