Failed to load sample Cannot set tensor: Dimension mismatch

Question/Issue: In both the Live Classification or Model Testing, if I try to look at a specific sample, I get an error with related to dimensions that prevents from me seeing the page where the raw input data is shown. However, the “Classify all” option still works.

Project ID: 150010

Context/Use case: Deploying to Linux with C++ exporter

Hello @jarnold1,

Is your sample length smaller than you window size by any chance?



Hi thank you for the response. The problem was related to my data not being sampled at a consistent rate, so the sample length was smaller than the window size in some cases. My impression was in those cases the data would be zero padded, but I’m not sure.

Hello @jarnold1,

If I am not mistaken, it is zero padded for the training but when you collect your samples, you need to pass a fix-size buffer to the classifier function.

