Failed to initialize linux tool Capture process failed with code 255

Hi all

I am trying to run a project that involves the use of a camera. I am able to connect to the server as shown below :
Edge Impulse Linux client v1.4.8

Edge Impulse Linux client v1.4.8

[GST] checking for /etc/os-release
[SER] Using microphone hw:0,0
[SER] Using camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 starting…
[SER] Connected to camera
[WS ] Connecting to wss://
[WS ] Connected to wss://
[WS ] Device “Batman” is now connected to project “FinalPersonalproject”. To connect to another project, run edge-impulse-linux --clean.
[WS ] Go to Login - Edge Impulse to build your machine learning model!
[WS ] Not received pong from server within six seconds, re-connecting
[WS ] Trying to connect in 1 second…
[WS ] Connecting to wss://
[WS ] Connected to wss://
[WS ] Device “Batman” is now connected to project “FinalPersonalproject”. To connect to another project, run edge-impulse-linux --clean.
[WS ] Go to Login - Edge Impulse to build your machine learning model!

But when I rrun the command “edge-impulse-linux runner”, I am getting thi s error message:
Edge Impulse Linux client v1.4.8

[GST] checking for /etc/os-release
[SER] Using microphone hw:0,0
[SER] Using camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 starting…
Failed to initialize linux tool Capture process failed with code 255

Can anyone help me? from reading other posts there seems to be a problem with the camera, but I tried it once before and it worked, so I am genuinely stuck

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Hi @someguy

Thanks for the report, we are looking into it. Can you please try the steps listed here:

And update there with your findings, Raul on that thread has a fix in progress but it would be helpful to have this validated by a user with the same environment, and error before releasing.

If we can keep the same issues together on existing threads it really helps in identifying bugs early, as we have many reports that typically are the result of environmental setup issues.

Thanks again,


Hi @Eoin
Per Raul’s suggestion I rolled back the OS (bullseye), but got the same error in the Edge Impulse daemon (camera not found). Apologize for the pause - other priorities. This project still ongoing so any resolution will be helpful.

Hi @tambourello,

A few things that can be checked:

  • Does the camera work when running the libcamera-hello?
  • Can you run the linux cli with --verbose and post the output? Does gstreamer complain about missing libcamerasrc?
  • Do you have the libcamera gstreamer plugin ? You can install it with sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libcamera