Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting error when connecting

I’m trying to connect my nRF52833 DK board to the edge impulse. I gave edge-impulse-daemon cmd and I got the following error,

Connecting to COM6
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
How can I solve it? Thanks in advance.

Hello @Nabeel,

Unfortunately, we don’t provide an official edge impulse firmware for the board reference.



Hi @louis
So it’s can’t be connected?? Or I should use any other method for connection?

Hello @Nabeel,

You can’t connect directly to Edge Impulse studio without modifying the code, however, you can still use your board. To collect data, you can use the Data forwarder and you will be able to download the C++ library to run your impulse on your device.

See Porting Guide - Edge Impulse Documentation

