Failed to generate model: Invalid window size 0 found

I’ve been working to create a RASynBoard IMU model in E.I., and I’ve been seeing an issue where after building out my model I get to the deployment step. When I go to do the “Build”, the process gets most of the way through the process, then fails with the error: “Failed to generate model: Invalid window size 0 found.”

Things I’ve tried . . .

  • Verified that all my data is not zero length
  • Changed the Window Increase setting to a multiple of my window size
  • Zero padded the data

Your help is apreciated,

Project ID:

Hi @Brian_Willess_avnet

I’m reviewing your project now, and have reported this to our embedded team. Thanks for reporting. We will be in touch once we have verified.



Hi @Brian_Willess_avnet

I understand that @ei_francesco and @jbuckEI are working on this for you, let me know if you need anything further. One thing I noticed was two of the trining samples are 9s and the rest are 10s

Ensure that the window size is properly set to a non-zero value. When changing the window size if they are not uniform length. It’s possible that the window size might have been inadvertently set to 0, causing this error. You can try removing both of those 9s samples and doing your testing again.

Then double check that the length of your data samples is consistent with the window size setting. If the length of your data samples is less than the specified window size, it could lead to this error too. Adjust the window size or ensure that your data samples are appropriately sized to align with the window size.

