Example of using the categories xstart, ystart, xend and yend of an edge impulse inference based on sound

Question/Issue: After some research on Bard, to detect the direction that a flying sound object (a hornet) can take, I discovered that there were categories xstart, ystart, xend and yend of an edge impulse inference based on sound, but I can’t find a usage example. Would you have any?

Project ID: Berny/Frelon asiatique

**Context/Use case:**The characteristic sound emitted by a hornet in flight is around 230 Hz, if we place two microphones 2m apart the arrival difference is of the order of 10 to 15 ms, It is therefore a question of identifying the maximum difference between the Xstart then the Xend to hope to have the direction of the flight and hope to find the nest, in a non-aggressive or intrusive way (no active chip or not to stick on the hornet)

it is a mistake !
I thought ei_fill_result_struct.h applied to sound. and it’s not

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For determining the direction of the sound based on input from 2 speakers, you will need to use DSP and trigonometry. Machine learning is likely not the correct tool in this case. ML will, however, help you classify that the sound is generated by a hornet (as opposed to other possible sources).

Thank you for your reply.
Could you explain what you mean by DSP?
Digital Signal Processors ?


“Digital Signal Processing” – apologies for the confusion. Essentially, using math to analyze signals.