Error while compiling the pretrained on RPI 4

I trained my model on the website for pattern recognition. After training, I exported my model locally on my my computer. I followed the tutorials step by step as mentioned on website.
Also, I wanted to add to my description that first i downloaded the trained model on my laptop and then using scp protocol I transferred the folder to rpi 4. On rpi 4(64 bit) , I am not able to compile the model and i get this following error:

hello can anyone help with this?

Hi @prarthana,

If you use the edge-impulse-runner command to download the firmware, it will compile for your local hardware/laptop.
The RPi4 is an AArch64 CPU which is most likely not the case for your laptop. You can force the target system as follows:

edge-impulse-linux-runner --force-target runner-linux-aarch64 --download model.eim

Then you can push the eim to your RPi and start the runner as usual.


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Thanks , I will look into it.