Error in Aarch64 deployment

I ran this command " APP_AUDIO=1 CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc CXX=aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ TARGET_LINUX_AARCH64=1 USE_FULL_TFLITE=1 make -j". And an error was found.

And the command also make errors “APP_AUDIO=1 TARGET_LINUX_AARCH64=1 USE_FULL_TFLITE=1 CC=clang CXX=clang++ make -j”.

Hi @y1165949971,

I thought this was resolved for you here. What’s different here?

Did you try ... make clean first before ... make -j ?

Hi rjames,
I made a little stupid mistake about this error. And i have solved it.
I get a new question about it. What if i want to deploy a new C++ Library. Do I need to unzip the .zip in the same dictory? Or just delate the same five files of the ***.zip ,unzip it and run

*** make clean/ -j



Great you got it working. You can mark this also as resolved.

If you deploy a new C++ Library. You should first remove the files/folders it will replace then unzip it into the project.

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