EON Tuner Noise Augmentation Regression

I’ve tried posting this elsewhere to no avail. The EON Tuner used to include low noise augmentation but that seems to have regressed at some point. Best case would be if this was included in the tuner settings.

Hi @jefffhaynes,

I’ve double checked our EON Tuner and the data augmentation should be part of the parameters.
Could you share your project ID by chance?


Of course. It’s 64474. Thank you!

Hi @jefffhaynes,

I can see data augmentation, see for instance the EON Tuner model “mfcc-conv1d-efb” (4th one in your list).


Oh! It’s only enabled for certain models now? That’s interesting. I would think one would want it to either be on or off. But good to know, thank you!