Back in the days before the internet ate everything, there were print magazines for every interest — from video games to golf, to cooking, to celebrity gossip, practically all niches were catered for. Perhaps none better than automobiles, for which an immense array of publications existed, focusing on classic cars to off-roaders to cars you build yourself. And until 2014, one amongst the many that lined bookstore shelves was Import Tuner, “Living the fast life, in fast cars. Featuring the finest in tuned automobiles.” It was fun to flip through the pages, knowing deep down that you would probably never accumulate the skills or funds necessary to match the amazing examples displayed on Import Tuner’s glossy pages. For some, machine learning may seem similarly out of reach — the realm of PhDs and data scientists, in the same way that the 1600 horsepower cover car was the domain of elite tuners. But with Edge Impulse’s new EON Tuner, the barrier to entry for advanced model generation and selection just got a whole lot lower!
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