Edge Impulse Pricing

I hope soon there will be a more definitive pricing for the platform. Sadly I reach the limit and the project I am working on is in a rush (I am helping a friend for his academic requirements).


Probably, not just me and others experience this as well. Hopefully, users can just select a payment method where they can instantly increase the resource needed for a project. Having a back and forth email with a sales staff/engr (I think) is applicable mainly for enterprise applications. Still I’ll be using the platform whenever applicable on a project in the future. It is a wonderful and innovative tool for machine learning. For this current project though, I might end up having my own tensorflow-based code in Rpi. More power to the whole edge impulse team! :+1: :clap:

Hello @carlerickrowan,

Thanks for your feedback, we’ve had a long discussion internally and we are studying different possibilities to easily increase users’ compute time and resources based on the user requests.
(Probably not through a payment at the moment though).
In the meantime, the easiest is to clearly explain your project goal, here on the forum, and give us your project ID.




i have the same issue, am doing my final year project for early skin cancer detection and inference the model in ESP32 but i cant train my model cuz i get the same issue. my project ID: 172729

I have the same issue, I would like to increase my training time for my final-year project for human detection with Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense, my project ID: 169184

Hello @Mariam_Shahoud @saeed101,

I sent you both a direct message.
Also, feel free to check how you can make the most of the 20-min limit compute on this documentation page:




I have the same issue, I would like to increase my training time for my final-year project for land cover classification with Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense, my project ID: 169186.

Thank You.