Edge Impulse on Raspberry Pi 5


Does Edge Impulse support the new Raspberry Pi 5 ?

And if you do how do I install the Python SDK as the instructions for the Raspberry Pi 4 do not work with the 5.


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Hey @ross6699

We should be able to support the Pi5, although I don’t have one yet to confirm with. Let me check with the team and order one.

Please share the specific step and problem you are encountering and we will do our best to troubleshoot.



I’m looking at some of the noted differences @ross6699 and checking with our embedded team,

Based on the noted differences here are some steps I think should give us the info, @Dmitriy_L @Arjan @rjames please post any additional ones you can think of:

  1. Swap over the Camera to the other port

  2. Enable Camera(s) Interface:

  • Use sudo raspi-config to navigate to Interfacing Options.
  • Enable the camera(s) and reboot the Raspberry Pi.
  1. Check for Error Messages relating to the camera(s):
  • Look for any error messages in the terminal or in the dmesg log (dmesg | grep -i camera) that might give clues about the issue.
  1. Test with Basic Commands:
  • Use basic commands like raspistill or raspivid to test camera functionality. For example, raspistill -o test.jpg to take a photo.

Here is the detailed table illustrating the improvements and reductions Raspberry Pi 5 has when compared with Raspberry Pi 4.

Raspberry Pi 5 Improvements Raspberry Pi 5 Reductions
1. A power button on the left is added. Audio/composite video interface erased
2. A PCIe interface on the left is added.
3. A battery connector interface to the bottom is added.
4. A UART interface to the bottom is added.
5. Two cameras/display transceivers are added to the bottom.
6. The RP1-CO chip is added to the top right.
7. A fan connection port has been added on the upper right side.

Camera and Monitor Adapter Cables

Raspberry Pi 5 comes with two 4-lane MIPI connectors, each of which can support a camera or display. These connectors utilize the 22-way, 0.5mm-pitch “mini” FPC format, which is identical to the Compute Module Development Kit’s format. To connect to the current camera and display products’ 15-way, 1mm-pitch “standard” format connectors, adapter cables are required.



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Hello, I only have Raspberry Pi 4 in my Edge Devices list, I desire to deploy on a RPi5… do I use the RPi4, or does my educational level (free) license not support the RPi5?

Thank you for the clarification.

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Would like to know this as well. I have a Pi5 that I’m itching to test Edge Impulse Linux Runner.

Hello @chuckvandien and @ckronengold,

I have a RPi5 too and it’s working the same way as the RPi4.
You won’t be able to get the on-device performance estimation from the Studio as we have not integrated the RPi5 in the Studio but the deployment part is working the same way.

Let me know if you have any issues.



Thanks, Louis. Once I get my project up and running on the Rpi4, I’ll test it on the 5.

Thanks Louis, where will the news of the Studio update appear when RPi5 has been supported?

Thanks again for the reply.

Once done, we will share it in the Edge Impulse Newsletter: Subscribe.

I don’t think it’s currently in the roadmap but let me ask the embedded team.

However, as I mentioned before, the last time I tried with my RPi5, the process to get an impulse running was the same as for the RPi4. You’ll just be missing the latency and on-device estimation in the Studio.



Thank you Louis, this was helpful.