Edge Impulse Inferencing Demo Error Message

When running the generated nano_ble33_sense_accelerometer data, I run into ERR: EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME should be equal to 3 (the 3 sensor axes). It doesn’t fail, just prints out the error, but I was wondering if it’s something on my end that the sensors used are 9 (shown in picture) rather than the 3 accelerometer axes.

Is there a way to specify to use only the accelerometer data when training the model? I’ve been following the coursera intro to embedded ML and ran into this issue.

Project ID:


This issue is currently being investigating by our embedded engineering team.
You can modify the model_metadata.h in the meantime, it should fix your issue

Is there a way to specify to use only the accelerometer data when training the model?

Yes you can select which axis you need in the pre-processing block if you only want to use accX, acc,Y and accZ for example.



Also note that you can try to run the sensor_fusion example.

