Edge impulse data forwarder error

Hi I am having issues when running the edge impulse data forwarder

ER] Connecting to COM3
[SER] Serial is connected
[WS ] Connecting to wss://remote-mgmt.edgeimpulse.com
[WS ] Connected to wss://remote-mgmt.edgeimpulse.com
? To which project do you want to add this device? (Use arrow keys)
? To which project do you want to add this device? paulphilip-project-1
? 3 sensor axes detected. What do you want to call them? Separate the names with   a? 3 sensor axes detected. What do you want to call them? Separate the names with
? What name do you want to give this device? 06:6C:FF:36:39:31:59:4E:43:03:37:06
[WS ] Authenticated
[WS ] Incoming sampling request {
  path: '/api/training/data',
  label: 'I',
  length: 3000,
  interval: 0,
  hmacKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  sensor: undefined
[SER] Waiting 2 seconds...
[SER] Reading data from device...
[SER] Invalid data collected. All values should be numeric, and every line should have 3 values. [
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -134, -955 ],
  [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 72, -135, -956 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ],
  [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -134, -956 ], [ 73, -137, -953 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 72, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ],
  [ 72, -134, -957 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 72, -134, -956 ],
  [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -137, -953 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ],
  [ 72, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 72, -134, -957 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ],
  [ 73, -137, -953 ], [ 73, -135, -955 ], [ 73, -134, -956 ],
  [ 73, -135, -956 ], [ 72, -133, -958 ], [ 0 ]
[SER] Failed to sample data Error: Invalid data collected from device, see data forwarder logs
    at WebSocket.<anonymous> (C:\Users\paul\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\edge-impulse-cli\build\serial-daemon\cli\data-forwarder.js:242:31)

I tried with edge-impulse-data-forwarder --clean but still the issue persists. From where can I get the logs and how would you advise to debug this issue.

@paulphilip There’s a [ 0 ] at the end of the Invalid data collected message. Where does that come from? Are you only printing sensor readings or also other things over the serial?

Yes. I am printing only sensor values. I am attaching a short snippet of the serial output when the device is reset.

    87,   -110,   -959
    88,   -111,   -958
    87,   -111,   -960
    89,   -111,   -958
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OK, let me check this on a Windows machine!

Thanks. Let me know if you want any inputs from my side.

@paulphilip This runs fine for me with an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with a simple accelerometer sketch based on the LSM9DS1 on both Windows 10 and macOS, so not sure where the problem is exactly. However, I’ve pushed out v1.6.1 of the Edge Impulse CLI (update via npm update edge-impulse-cli -g) which will look for incomplete readings at the end of the stream and discard them. Hopefully that resolves your issue!

1 Like

Thanks a lot for solving this error. I am attaching edge impulse data forwarder for your confirmation

[SER] Waiting 2 seconds...
[SER] Reading data from device...
[SER] Reading data from device OK (41 samples at 16Hz)
[SER] Uploading sample to https://ingestion.edgeimpulse.com/api/training/data...
[SER] Sampling finished

Beautiful, thanks @paulphilip! :rocket:

Yesterday I updated the edge impulse cli and I am facing errors now.

Edge Impulse data forwarder v1.6.5
This is an experimental feature, please let us know if you run into any issues at

    Websocket: wss://remote-mgmt.edgeimpulse.com
    API:       https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/v1
    Ingestion: https://ingestion.edgeimpulse.com

[SER] Connecting to COM3
[SER] Serial is connected
[WS ] Connecting to wss://remote-mgmt.edgeimpulse.com
[WS ] Connected to wss://remote-mgmt.edgeimpulse.com
? What name do you want to give this device? 06:6C:FF:36:39:31:59:4E:43:03:37:06
[WS ] Authenticated
[WS ] Incoming sampling request {
  path: '/api/testing/data',
  label: 'testing',
  length: 5000,
  interval: 71.42857142857143,
  hmacKey: '69f2fc343ec5c811147c0c320da338a5',
  sensor: 'Sensor with 3 axes (acc_x, acc_y, acc_z)'
[SER] Waiting 2 seconds...
[SER] Reading data from device...
[SER] Reading data from device OK (67 samples at 14Hz)
[SER] Uploading sample to https://ingestion.edgeimpulse.com/api/testing/data...
[SER] Sampling finished

But I am getting the following error.

I downgraded to v1.6.4 but still I am facing the same issue.
Kindly advise.

@janjongboom I think I found the culprit. I had uploaded my phone data also for training and this data doesn’t have axes label. After I removed the data sampled from the phone, it started to work properly.

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Is there any problem occurred? if I print other things over the Serial