Edge Impulse CLI 1.11 released - issues? Please let me know!


We published Edge Impulse CLI v1.11 today. This sets us up for some very interesting new features that we’re releasing in the coming weeks, such as live previews of connected cameras, fetching data off devices at a much higher speed, and adds some things that are available as of today - like progress reporting when reading data back from your device (very useful when dealing with large files).

However, we’ve also changed some dependencies, so if you have issues installing the new CLI version: please let us know here!



I am having this issue

@Leoboy could you open the command prompt as administrator and retry?

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It had fixed the problem. Thanks!

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Hi Janjongboom

I have the same problem, but I am using admin command prompt.

I tried everything. Uninstall, update windows, full node instalation, and my cli do not install

Thanks for your help


@Vidal you’re seeing the exact same EPERM error? There’s some suggestions here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39293636/npm-err-error-eperm-operation-not-permitted-rename (could be that VSCode or Atom locks this file as well, if you have either of these close them, then try the first answer on that post).