Edge Impulse Adds RASynBoard as a Supported Device

Today, we are excited to announce our support for the Avnet RASynBoard. The RASynBoard is a small form-factor, ultra-low power, edge AI/ML board, based on a Syntiant NDP120 Neural Decision Processor and a Renesas RA6M4 host MCU. The RASynBoard is ideal for always-on speech recognition, predictive maintenance, and industrial smart sensors. It is also ideal for battery-powered remote sensing applications due to its ultra-low power capabilities. The NDP120 subsystem features an on-board digital microphone, IMU motion sensor and SPI Flash memory.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.edgeimpulse.com/blog/edge-impulse-adds-rasynboard-as-a-supported-device