Different result between model testing on platform and run on locally

Hi All,

I try to run model on local using my laptop but got different result with model testing on edgeimpulse platform

my project:

my code:

i got result form my local machine:
mata_terbuka (1.00): x=96 y=88 w=16 h=16
mata_terpejam (0.64): x=144 y=88 w=8 h=8
tidak_menguap (1.00): x=128 y=136 w=8 h=16

but on edge impulse model testing got: mata_terbuka, mata_terbuka and tidak_menguap

like on this pict:

*using f32 model

maybe @Eoin or @louis can help to take a look?

Thank you

revisiting this post,

@Eoin @louis could you help to take a look this case?

Thank you