Deploying to Microbit 1.5v

Hi, I´m trying to deploy my training model to a microbit version 1.5 without any luck. Because with version 1.5 can´t use codal as a compiler to built it. I´ve tried via Docker, but couldn’t created an image to deploy.

I’ve read that yotta could be a way, but I don’t know how to implement yotta as a complier.

Any suggestion will be welcome.

Hi @Elasnier Only the micro:bit v2 is supported right now as it has a microphone and a lot more RAM.

Hi @janjongboom. thanks for the reply. I know is V2 oriented, cause is more powerful, but because I have several V1.5 at my disposal, I thought to give it a try.

Thanks anyway.

By the way the 3 axis accelerometer model trained in edge works great for movement recognize. :muscle:

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