Deployed model shows wrong classification

Question/Issue: Hello, my spectrogram classification model works fine on the Edge Impulse web page. However, when I download the c++ library and build it, or when I deploy it on my arduino 33 BLE sense it won’t work. It prints the wrong classification. I had this same problem months ago and you fixed it, maybe the fix got deleted on an update?

Project ID: 66887

Context/Use case:

Thank you for your help
David Córdova

I have the same problem with image detection. Did you figure out a solution?

Hi @davidib19,

As you use 3 spectrogram blocks it may be linked to how you fill the features array. Could you share your main code that includes how you use this buffer?



Hi @aurel
I used 3 spectrogram blocks as suggested by @louis in this topic:

I don’t have the main code right now but I have the same problem with the built firmware for the arduino 33ble sense
