Deploy impulse to custom board


is there any documentation about deploy an impulse to a custom board ? I found tutorials about concrete boards, but nothing about what to do after building the C++ lib and exporting it.

We use Zephyr OS with LPC51U68 as a Microcontroller.

Hi @equildev, you can use the C++ Library export, and the any of the ‘Running your impulse locally’ guides. For example this one shows how to build the impulse with a Makefile. This will also work as-is on virtually every MCU.

Then you construct a signal_t structure, fill it with your sensor data, and call run_classifier. You’ll then get a structure with predictabilities back, see the main.cpp file in the example.

Hi @equildev now there is a Zephyr example. Check it out:

Can i change the Makefile in 'Running your impulse locally’ guide in order to flash it in my custom board ?

@tiriotis Yeah, it’s pretty simple, just some includes and some C/C++ files that should be compilable by any modern C++ compiler. Wide variety of examples here: but easy to change for custom targets.