Custom block error. "ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 106 to array axis with dimension 105"


I am trying to extract RR intervals as features from an ECG dataset. Everything seems ok in the first custom block view, but when I try to generate features I got this error:

This is the code I used:

import numpy as np

from hrvanalysis import remove_outliers, remove_ectopic_beats, interpolate_nan_values

from hrvanalysis import get_time_domain_features

from hrvanalysis import get_nn_intervals

import json

import peakutils

def smoothing(y, box_pts):

    box = np.ones(box_pts) / box_pts

    y_smooth = np.convolve(y, box, mode='same')

    return y_smooth

# define hrv - da MainCodeYT *Angelo

def hrv(data, fs):

    # find peaks 

    r_peaks = peakutils.indexes(data, thres=0.5, min_dist=0.1)

    # RR intervals

    RR_intervals = np.diff(r_peaks)/fs

    return RR_intervals

def generate_features(draw_graphs, raw_data, axes, sampling_freq, scale_axes, smooth):

    # features is a 1D array, reshape so we have a matrix with one raw per axis

    raw_data = raw_data.reshape(int(len(raw_data) / len(axes)), len(axes))

    features = []

    smoothed_graph = {}

    # split out the data from all axes

    for ax in range(0, len(axes)):

        X = []

        for ix in range(0, raw_data.shape[0]):


        # X now contains only the current axis

        fx = np.array(X)

        # first scale the values

        fx = fx * scale_axes

        # if smoothing is enabled, do that

        if (smooth):

            fx = smoothing(fx, 5)

        # extract features from fx *Angelo

        fx = hrv(fx, sampling_freq)

        # we save bandwidth by only drawing graphs when needed

        if (draw_graphs):

            smoothed_graph[axes[ax]] = list(fx)

        # we need to return a 1D array again, so flatten here again

        for f in fx:


    # draw the graph with time in the window on the Y axis, and the values on the X axes

    # note that the 'suggestedYMin/suggestedYMax' names are incorrect, they describe

    # the min/max of the X axis

    graphs = []

    if (draw_graphs):


            'name': 'DSP Graph',

            'X': smoothed_graph,

            'y': np.linspace(0.0, raw_data.shape[0] * (1 / sampling_freq) * 1000, raw_data.shape[0] + 1).tolist(),

            #'y': np.linspace(0.0, 5, 1).tolist(),

            'suggestedYMin': -20,

            'suggestedYMax': 20


    return { 'features': features, 'graphs': graphs }

The code I used is the one given here

The CSV input file is this:



Anyone could help me with this problem?



Hi Angelo,

It looks like the generated features have different lenghts. I think it’s related to the peak detection algorithm as the function would return a list with a variable lengths. Could you modify your code to generate fixed size features?



Yeah an easy way is just set the length to (e.g.) 200 and zero out when you don’t find any RR intervals anymore.

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Thank you so much! I tried with a fixed size list and it’s working fine.

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