CSV file without timestamp

I am trying to break a csv into no. of csvs equal to no. of rows in the dataset so that I can upload them with a numerical label. I get an error:
Uploading 1 file…

[1/1] Failed to upload 1.csv: For CSV files without a timestamp column, need exactly one line with values (but found 2)

Done. Files uploaded successful: 0. Files that failed to upload: 1.

when I try to upoad a file like:

and when I try a one line csv like

then I get the following error:

Uploading 1 file…

[1/1] Failed to upload 1.csv: Line 2 column 1234 is not numeric

Done. Files uploaded successful: 0. Files that failed to upload: 1.

Job completed

Don’t know how to work around regression in case of numerical values csv.

Pls guide

Hi @rashiagarwal,

To upload the CSV file for regression and without a timestamp column, first, you need to have a single row with values under a row with names. For example:

t0, t1, t2, t3, t4
2.33, 4.52, -9.45, -0.23, 0.39

Then, save this CSV file with the numerical label as a prefix. For example: 42.sample1.csv. When you upload this, the Studio can automatically read the prefix and set the label as 42.

However, note that it will not work for floating point values for your label. For that, you will either need to manually set the label in the Studio or use the ingestion service (Ingestion service - Edge Impulse API) where you can programmatically set the labels.

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Thanks a lot! Worked like a charm