Correspondence between detected coordinates and photo

Good morning,

we have some problems matching

the coordinates of the Bbox given by Edge Impulse
the coordinates on a photo taken just after detection
(knowing that the detection photo is not accessible)
Have you addressed the problem?
Do you see what this is about?

When the detection is made, we have:
ei_printf(" %s (%f) [ x: %u, y: %u, width: %u, height: %u ]\n", bb.label, bb.value, bb.x, bb.y, bb.width, bb.height);

But what do the bb.x, bb.y, bb.width, bb.height values ​​correspond to “in real life”?

just after detection we take a photo which we save with the coordinates of the bbox as a name.

  *ei_printf("    %s (%f) [ x: %u, y: %u, width: %u, height: %u ]\n", bb.label, bb.value, bb.x, bb.y, bb.width, bb.height);*
  •  //+++++++++++++++++++++++*
  •  digitalWrite(voyantPin, HIGH); // on allume la lampe*
  •  postMessage("photo debut");*
  •  String filename = "/image_" + String(counter) +"_"+bb.x+"_"+bb.y+"_"+bb.width+"_"+bb.height+".jpg";*
  •  camera_fb_t *fb = esp_camera_fb_get();*
  •  Serial.printf("Picture file name: %s\n", filename.c_str());*
  •  // envoi en http sur le dashboard eloquent*
  •  postImage(fb, filename);*
  •  postMessage("photo envoi");*
  •  digitalWrite(voyantPin, LOW); // on allume la lampe*
  •  esp_camera_fb_return(fb);*
  •  counter++;*
  •    //+++++++++++++++++++++++*

but how to find the target detected in this photo (we assume that the target has moved little in the meantime)

The bounding boxes are referenced to the top left corner of the inferenced image.

See this code for an example of how to see what FOMO saw.

What MCU are you using?

I use Esp32Cam with Arduino IDE, so we don’t have the “inferenced image”

After detection, I take a photo and try to locate the hornet.

  1. imagine that we make an impulse in 96x96
  2. imagine that we take a 640x480 capture containing the object to be detected
  3. the detection is made in 96x96 and gives coordinates bb.x, bb.y, bb.w and bb.h in this 96x96 frame
  4. these coordinates must be expanded from 96x96 to 640x480 to find the detection on the original capture.
    X(640.480) = bb.x * 640 / 96
    Y (640.480) = bb.y * 480 / 96
    Please tell me if this is correct.


  • To draw a Bounding Box (BB) on the original image we need to know how EdgeImpulse re-sized the image from 640x480 to 96x96 in the Input Block of the Impulse design.

Proposed Solution #1
Once we know how to re-size the 96x96 image one might execute the following:

  • On a PC or something that can run Python…
  • Create a 96x96 blank image
  • Plot the 4 corners of the BB (or draw the complete BB) on the blank image
    • Resize this image to 640x480
      • The BB is now distorted since we went from a square BB to a rectangle BB
  • Plot the distorted BB onto the original image

Does the proposed solution work for you?

Alternate Solution

  • The image used for the Impulse running on the Arduino is in the inference buffer.
  • Using the BB values from the Inference, plot the BB over-top of the infernce buffer
  • Save the 96x96 image (inference buffer) that the Impulse used for inference to an SD Card attached to the Arduino.
  • Batch process the SD card images (with embedded BBs) and resize them.

We use Squash to resize 640x480 into 96x96

what we offer for “de-squash”:
-1- take a new photo as quickly as possible
-2- position the bbox at X = bb.x * 640/96 and Y = bb.y * 480/96

In fact, I don’t really understand how to recover the image used for the inference…
plot the BB over-top of the infernce buffer ???

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I like you diagram! I think the method should work.

To overlay the BB on the image used for inference…

I assume your Arduino C code has something like:

// Setup "signal": sets the callback function on the "signal_t" structure to reference the inference buffer.
  ei::signal_t signal;
  signal.get_data     = &ei_camera_cutout_get_data;                               // This tells the "signal" where to get the sampled data from.
  static ei_impulse_result_t ei_result = { 0 };                                   // Local: "results" of Classifier(). This doesn't need to be global.

The data located at &ei_camera_cutout_get_data is the image that the camera captured and has been reduced to 96x96. You then modify the ei_camera_cutout_get_data data with the outline of the BB. If the Impulse is grayscale, then the outline can be all white or all black. If the Impulse is RGB then choose a color like cyan and change the pixels (aka the data in ei_camera_cutout_get_data) to match your BB. Then write out all the data held in located at&ei_camera_cutout_get_data to a BMP. BMPs will be much easier since there is no compression as is found in JPGs.

If you can work in Python this is very easy.

I did a test at home with a fake hornet:

  1. 300 photos in 640x380 labized,
  2. Edge Impulse in Squah 96x96,
  3. inference for Arduino using an esp32Cam
  4. photo after detection (while waiting for the frame version) all on SD card (see the .ino program)

on the “capture.jpg” you have three

  • photos: on the left the photo after detection in 640x380,
  • at the bottom the same setting in 96x96,
  • on the right the 96x96 photo reverted to 640x380.

the coordinates of the detection bbox are given in the title of the file: 32_48_16_8.
On the 96x96 photo I traced the rectangle then I put the photo back in 640x380
and we find the rectangle in 210.190, that is to say in the homothety ratio 640/96 for X and 380/96 for Y.

yep yep yep !

@BARROIS I am impressed at how fast you got to a working solution. You must be an excellent programmer.

Now that you are able to write the image to an SD card, you might want to draw the BB on the image saved to the SD card. Then in a post-processing task you can resize the inferenced image to any size you desire without worrying about the enlarged image size.

Thanks for your appreciation, but I’m nothing without my friends: Jody and Simone (aka EloquentArduino). They gave me their time and their knowledge, so we share your praise.

Let me add two things that come to me from Simone:
-1- recovering the detection frame ultimately has no interest: if we put it back in the original format, this double transformation makes it unusable. We can barely see the target. You might as well redo another image and place on it the rectangle given by detection and deformed by homothety.
-2- at no time do we introduce error calculations! And as Simone points out, “Edge Impulse outputs only multiples of 8. So when it says that bbox x,y is Eg. 32.48 it really could be anything from 32.48 to 39.55.” which puts the result into perspective.
As for the interesting functions that we use, I invite you to consult the EloquentArduino website:

and more particularly: Esp32 Camera Object Detection | Eloquent Arduino


Thanks for the link to EloquentArduino. Simone Salerno eloquently rocks for sure!

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