Hi. So i am trying to run an object detection model on the esp32 cam and i have downloaded the arduino library from the edge impulse studio. After compiling it, i am getting this error:
/private/var/folders/9p/hp8d4cf11951m6wjg5pn4mpr0000gn/T/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023229-89059-n6viv0.fhv09/esp32_camera/esp32_camera.ino:116:20: error: ‘CAMERA_FB_IN_PSRAM’ was not declared in this scope
.fb_location = CAMERA_FB_IN_PSRAM,
/private/var/folders/9p/hp8d4cf11951m6wjg5pn4mpr0000gn/T/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023229-89059-n6viv0.fhv09/esp32_camera/esp32_camera.ino:117:18: error: ‘CAMERA_GRAB_WHEN_EMPTY’ was not declared in this scope
/private/var/folders/9p/hp8d4cf11951m6wjg5pn4mpr0000gn/T/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023229-89059-n6viv0.fhv09/esp32_camera/esp32_camera.ino:118:1: error: ‘camera_config_t’ has no non-static data member named ‘fb_location’
exit status 1
Compilation error: ‘CAMERA_FB_IN_PSRAM’ was not declared in this scope
UPDATE: Ok so i updated the esp32 library and its compiling now but a new error has come up:
(serial monitor)
ERR: Camera is not initialized
Failed to capture image
Hi Jorduino! Thanks for the response but I have solved the error. I just had to press the reset button on the esp32 cam again. Once I did it, The detections began.
Hi @zappy383 I have the same problem that you have from the beginning, what did you do to make it compile? And in the event that the esp library updates it, what version did you put it on?
Well, “update” is not exactly necessary. Rather it should be the correct version. We wrote Arduino sketches for 2.0.4 ESP32 Arduino Core (corresponding to ESP-IDF 4.4) and I also used it with 2.0.5. Can you try 2.0.5 and see that resolves the compilation error?
Yes, exactly that core. I wrote the sketches with 2.0.4 and used them with 2.0.5. This is also what we use in our CI. Everything above that is untested.
A more direct answer: you can use either 2.0.4 or 2.0.5.
Bonjour/bonsoir a tous j’suis un étudiant de niveau 3 je boss sur un projet portant sur la détection d’objet. Alors j’ai fait un essai pour la reconnaissance d’une forme carré avec edge impulse et par la suite jai pu paisiblement récupéré la bibliothèque lié a cette forme pour arduino .lorsque j’essaie de la compiler je recois le message d’erreur :"erreur de compilation pour la carte Ai thinker " s’il vous plaît besoin d’aide je suis exténuée
Merci merci