Can't run HQ Camera on model Edge impulse

I have a sorting project using Edge Impulse with HQ Camera on Raspberry Pi5. But Edge impulse can’t connect to HQ camera. I tried with USB camera and it works. Please give me some advice.

Hi @Narongsak,

Can you share your logs?
Can you run with verbose for example edge-impulse-linux-runner --verbose ...
Does the HQ camera work with libcamera-hello?
Have you installed gstreamer1.0-libcamera package?

// Raul

Log error from Edge Impulse

libcamera-hello camera can run.



Can you run it as follows and let me know if that works

edge-impulse-linux-runner --gst-launch-args "libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,format=BGR ! videoconvert ! jpegenc"

You can change width and height to anything else that fits your application.

If BGR doesnt work try RGB, NV21 or YUY2

// Raul

@rjames I was able to connect my HQ camera to Edge Impulse. Thank you very much.

@rjames Please help with advice on connecting HQ Camera to use linuk-sdk-python. I’m using a USB camera and it works, but HQ Camera doesn’t find the camera ID.
Link linux-sdk-python

Please help me for connecting HQ Camera to Edge Impulse sdk.

Please help me for connecting HQ Camera imx477 to Edge Impulse sdk.


We dont have an example readily available.
Can you try using picamera2