Can't integrate Grove Vision AI Sensor data with Wio Terminal


I deployed a model on the Grove Vision AI Sensor and I’m able to receive data & camera feed when running edge-impulse-run-impulse --debug. The next step for me is to read the vision sensor on the wio terminal microcontroller, so I can make a program that is controlling and reading the vision sensor. However I couldn’t find a way to do so, can anyone help me out?

Hi @momin and welcome to the forum!

Outside of this guide for integrating the sensor with the WIO you will need to follow the SEEED docs for doing so in arduino, and export your vision model to an arduino library on edge impulse.

Arduino Lib



Hi Eoin,
Thanks for the answer, I successfully created the arduino library and it did well on the raw features.
I’m not sure if I should ask this here, but I actually want to process live feed data with just the wio terminal. I’m currently struggling as I’m not sure the vision ai module has my model. I exported a firmware.uf2 file in my vision sensor and it successfully closed down, but when I go to it doesn’t list any models and wont show live feed.
Is it correct these are the only filed inside my vision ai sensor? Because as far as my understanding goes the tutorial ask for an other .uf2 file with my model name

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Hmmm I think you may need to check with SEED, not sure how that demo works.

Please share the thread here for others to follow :smiley:

