Can't figure out next step after impulse design

I can’t for the life of me figure out what to do next.

I’ve designed and saved my impulse (Audio input block with 5-second window size for audio, spectrogram processing block, regression learning block).

I have 5-second wav files uploaded to both training and test with two label sets, 80 and 60 (this project is to detect BPM).

Why don’t I see any options for the next steps in the workflow, feature extraction or training? It almost looks like a bug what’s shown under impulse design compared to what I see in all the tutorials I see on YouTube.

But perhaps I’m just missing something! I appreciate in advanced any help or guidance! :slight_smile:

Project ID:

Context/Use case:
I’m on chrome, on Mac

Hi @CamSoss - It looks like you have gotten into a weird state where your project thinks it is a bring your own model (BYOM) project, yet you can still see the impulse design screen… if you know how to reproduce getting into this state, I’d love to know how it happened so we can address any issues there may be.

Here’s how you can fix it. If you go back to your project dashboard, click on the Add existing data button at the top under the getting started section. This will pop up a modal asking you to confirm that you want to switch your project from BYOM back to a standard project.