I create a pytorch LSTM model and convert it to onnx. Then, upload it to BYOM and let it convert to int8 vela tflite model to run on Seeed_Grove_Vision_AI_Module_V2/EPII_CM55M_APP_S/app/scenario_app/ei_standalone_inferencing at main · HimaxWiseEyePlus/Seeed_Grove_Vision_AI_Module_V2 · GitHub .
Facing the issue about AllocateTensors() failed.
I also see the model which converted by BYOM. The LSTM module will be unrolled to many operators which could not be supported by ethosu vela. Because I saw at vela supported OPs which can support UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM, is it possible the BYOM can convert LSTM model to UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM operater?