Arduino Sense 33 REV2 stuck during second audio sampling iteration

i am having a similar issue for the nano 33 BLE accelerometers. the board works fine when using it to collect data, but when running the final deployment library on the board, it crashes as soon as the accelerometers begin to move. it’s not a cable issue.

Hi @shawn_edgeimpulse
Thank you for the response, but sadly that doesn’t solve the problem

Hi @highbosom and @jebay1,

Thank you for pointing out this issue. I tried on my Arduino and ran into the same issue. I have filed a bug with our engineering team.

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Glad to hear it’s not a hardware issue

any luck?
my code still freezes as soon as i start moving the wand
thank you!

Hi @jebay1 ,

The fix for this issue is merged in today, but will need some time (around a day) to be live on production.


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Hi, the fix is live on production.


Hi Arjan, I have updated the Arduino Nano Sense 33 r2 firmware, but the issue persists
Is there something else I should update?

Hi @highbosom

when you say that you updated the firmware you refer to the pre-built image or the public firmware repository for the nano ?


Hi @ei_francesco
This is the firmware I flashed

Hi @highbosom ,

I forgot to update it the binary, it should be in production soon. Meanwhile you can build and flash from the public repo.



Hi @ei_francesco

thank you for your help.

the code requires EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME to equal 3, but in the library files that variable is set to 9. we updated the code to 9 and that seems to stop our wand (nano 33 ble sense) from freezing upon movement.

i have been updating the library to set it equal to 3.

building and flashing the latest firmware worked
Thanks for the support and fixing the issue!

Edit: the issue still occurs after a few sampling iterations. During the fifth iteration instead of the second one

Hi @highbosom

How long is the sample length ?


sample length is 1000 ms

ok let me check what is failing.

Hi @highbosom ,

I’m testing a new fix, I’ll keep you updated.


Hi @highbosom

the fix is on production, let me know if is working on your side.


now it crashes during the sixth iteration
We are making progress

Are there any updates?