When recording audio date my Arduino Sense 33 R2 always timeouts during the second iteration. It will not sample again until the USB cable has been disconnected. Rebooting, flashing the firmware and different USB cables or ports do not solve the issue. Sampling other sensors does not produce the issue.
I don’t know if it’s related, but Failed to parse snapshot line [ ] is printed 3 times when starting edge-impulse-daemon:
? Which device do you want to connect to? /dev/tty.usbmodem2101 (Arduino)
[SER] Connecting to /dev/tty.usbmodem2101
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config...
Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]
[SER] Retrieved configuration
[SER] Device is running AT command version 1.8.0
Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]
Failed to parse snapshot line [ ]
[SER] Device is not connected to remote management API, will use daemon
[WS ] Connecting to wss://
[WS ] Connected to wss://
Project ID: 327700
Context/Use case:
Steps to reproduce:
Go to Data acquisition
Start sampling the built-in microphone
The recording will be uploaded
Start sampling again
The process will block:
The website hangs at "Sampling... (1s left)"
Daemon hangs at "[SER] Sampling started"
Edge-Impulse daemon will print Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 60000) AT+SAMPLESTART=Built-in microphone
edge-impulse-daemon will be unable to connect to the Arduino until it is reset
i am having a similar issue for the nano 33 BLE accelerometers. the board works fine when using it to collect data, but when running the final deployment library on the board, it crashes as soon as the accelerometers begin to move. it’s not a cable issue.
the code requires EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME to equal 3, but in the library files that variable is set to 9. we updated the code to 9 and that seems to stop our wand (nano 33 ble sense) from freezing upon movement.
i have been updating the library to set it equal to 3.