Arduino PortentaH7 Lite, PortentaH7 and the Vision Shield

Thanks so much @louis, that code is fairly understandable, should be a good base, along with the two versions from Edge Impulse above.

void image_resize_linear(uint8_t *dst_image, uint8_t *src_image, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_c, int src_w, int src_h)

Just checking is int dst_c the number of channels meaning RGB is 3 and GRAYSCALE is 1?

Somehow I logged in differently this is still @rocksetta.

This seems very wrong. @louis, I am struggling with how to get the out_ptr into the features_signal structure. This is what I have tried so far, seems very wasteful of memory. It does compile but flashes red on loading to the Portenta.

  int myCamResult =  myCam.grab(sdram_frame_buffer); // myCamResult should be zero 

    // the features are stored into flash, and we don't want to load everything into RAM
    signal_t features_signal;
    features_signal.total_length = CUTOUT_COLS * CUTOUT_ROWS;
    float model_input_buffer[features_signal.total_length];
    //features_signal.get_data = &cutout_get_data;   // this activated the old code

    // somehow activate resize???
    // void image_resize_linear(uint8_t *dst_image, uint8_t *src_image, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_c, int src_w, int src_h)

    uint8_t * tmp_buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(features_signal.total_length);

    image_resize_linear(  tmp_buffer,  sdram_frame_buffer,  96,96,    1  /* 1 = GRAYSCALE */,    320,320 );
// convert int_8 to float
    for (int i=0; i < features_signal.total_length; i++){
       model_input_buffer[i] = tmp_buffer[i] / 255.0f;  


    features_signal.get_data((unsigned int)sizeof(uint8_t), (unsigned int)features_signal.total_length, model_input_buffer);

Hello @Rocksetta,

I just checked how I did the project using the ESP32 Cam to see if there was any differences, in fact, the way I did allocated the pointer using Espressif SDK was using this function dl_matrix3du_alloc …
This will be different with the Portenta.

Also, to answer you on this parameter: int dst_c it is the channel (so 3 for RGB). In your case, I see that you are using grayscale and from what I see in the header file (

     * @brief Resize the image in RGB888 format via bilinear interpolation
     * @param dst_image    The output image
     * @param src_image    Source image
     * @param dst_w        Width of the output image
     * @param dst_h        Height of the output image
     * @param dst_c        Channel of the output image
     * @param src_w        Width of the source image
     * @param src_h        Height of the source image
    void image_resize_linear(uint8_t *dst_image, uint8_t *src_image, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_c, int src_w, int src_h);

It has to be in RGB888 format to use this function… I might have misread your initial question.

If needed, here is an arduino sketch I wrote to show how it works with the ESP32 Cam + Edge Impulse





If you want to only resize (and not crop) from 320x320 to 96x96 you can try this (on the Portenta H7):
I’ve used magic numbers just for verbosity.


resizeImage(320, 320, // <-- input buf resolution
            ei_camera_frame_buffer, // <-- input buf
            96, 96, // output buf resolutions
            ei_camera_frame_buffer, // <-- output buf can be the same
            8); // <-- bits per pixel
    ei::signal_t signal;
    signal.total_length = 96 * 96; // <-- in pixels 
    signal.get_data = &ei_camera_cutout_get_data;
static inline void mono_to_rgb(uint8_t mono_data, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *g, uint8_t *b) {
    uint8_t v = mono_data;
    *r = *g = *b = v;

int ei_camera_cutout_get_data(size_t offset, size_t length, float *out_ptr) {
    size_t bytes_left = length;
    size_t out_ptr_ix = 0;

    // read byte for byte
    while (bytes_left != 0) {

        // grab the value and convert to r/g/b
        uint8_t pixel = ei_camera_frame_buffer[offset];

        uint8_t r, g, b;
        mono_to_rgb(pixel, &r, &g, &b);

        // then convert to out_ptr format
        float pixel_f = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
        out_ptr[out_ptr_ix] = pixel_f;

        // and go to the next pixel

    // and done!
    return 0;


Your amazing @rjames, :100: thanks so much for the code examples. This is the first time I have ever had the Arduino Portenta using all 320x320 camera pixels resized to a 96x96 Edge Impulse model, using the SDRAM of the Portenta for the camera buffer.

Look how fast this little beast is processing.

My version of Raul’s code is here .

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That’s awesome news! :smiley:

// Raul

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Raul @rjames, any hints about testing multi-object “bounding boxes object detection” instead of what we have working for single object “one label per data” ?

I know from my work with WASM that the differences between the two types of code are very small. I am wondering if this line still grabs the result correctly

    EI_IMPULSE_ERROR res = run_classifier(&signal, &result, false /* debug */);

the result structure has changed for multi-object, but I can’t find any information about the new structure other than the header file ei_classifier_types.h. I think from my WASM the calls look something like this.




result.results[i].x, result.results[i].y, result.results[i].width, result.results[i].height   

but from the header file it is probably more like:




Any confirmation here. Not expecting bounding boxes to work well, just wondering if it works at all on the Portenta. It was very slow on the web browser.

@Rocksetta this won’t work until the new constrained object detection is live.