Arduino nano BLE 33 Sense error connecting console

Hey Guys, I managed to connect to the console last week when I set up the Nano 33 BLEsense I had no issues. but I’ve just booted my pc up after creating my mini lab for data collection. But I cant seem to connect, mini hair pulling moment any help would be useful, I am a novice lol.

Edge Impulse serial daemon v1.13.3
Websocket: wss://

[SER] Connecting to COM4
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…

This seems to be a known issue reported by some on the forum. Could you try double clicking the reset button on Arduino and plugging in again. If that does not work, maybe flashing the firmware again would work.

Hey thanks for your response, yes I’ve tried for around a hour to reset, various methods.
I’ve also tried to re flashing the firmware but I have this error
arduino:mbed 1.3.2 1.3.2 [deprecated - please install standalone packages] arduino mbed os boards edge impulse.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @TagnTell,

Can you provide the full logs when flashing the firmware?
Also are you flashing our default firmware or the one you generate in the studio?


im unable to post code as im new user and I can only post 2 links :unamused:

I’ve reflashed the BLE sense with the flash_windows batch file… with the following results

Finding Arduino Mbed core…
arduino:mbed 1.3.2 1.3.2 [DEPRECATED - Please install standalone packages] Arduino Mbed OS Boards
arduino:mbed_nano 2.0.0 2.0.0 Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards
Finding Arduino Mbed core OK
Finding Arduino Nano 33 BLE…
Finding Arduino Nano 33 BLE OK at COM4
arduino:mbed_nano 2.0.0 2.0.0 Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards
Device : nRF52840-QIAA
Version : Arduino Bootloader (SAM-BA extended) 2.0 [Arduino:IKXYZ]
Address : 0x0
Pages : 256
Page Size : 4096 bytes
Total Size : 1024KB
Planes : 1
Lock Regions : 0
Locked : none
Security : false
Erase flash

Done in 0.001 seconds
Write 525440 bytes to flash (129 pages)
[==============================] 100% (129/129 pages)
Done in 21.776 seconds
Flashed your Arduino Nano 33 BLE development board
To set up your development with Edge Impulse, run ‘edge-impulse-daemon’
To run your impulse on your development board, run ‘edge-impulse-run-impulse’
Press any key to continue . . .

double clicked the bootloader button

Edge Impulse serial daemon v1.13.3

API:      *******
Ingestion: ********/

[SER] Connecting to COM4
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected
[SER] Serial is connected, trying to read config…
[SER] Failed to get info off device Timeout when waiting for > (timeout: 5000) onConnected

Hi @TagnTell,

This looks good. However if you double click to force bootloader mode the program can never start. Just do a single click (aka reset) or reconnect the USB cable.


I feel so stupid lol, thank you for your prompt response


There are no stupid questions :slight_smile: Glad that it works!


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