Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense - Fusion Library Compilation Error

I just created a build of my project and attempted to upload it to the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense but keep receiving the following errors:

Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can’t create C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\22688D5A5DA58B140F2E0A2A9D894823\libraries\COM683_-Edge_and_Embedded_Intelligence-_CW2_inferencing\edge-impulse-sdk\porting\espressif\ESP-NN\src\convolution\esp_nn_depthwise_conv_s16_mult1_3x3_no_pad_esp32s3.S.o: No such file or directory

Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can’t create C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\22688D5A5DA58B140F2E0A2A9D894823\libraries\COM683_-Edge_and_Embedded_Intelligence-_CW2_inferencing\edge-impulse-sdk\porting\espressif\ESP-NN\src\convolution\esp_nn_conv_s8_filter_aligned_input_padded_esp32s3.S.o: No such file or directory

Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can’t create C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\22688D5A5DA58B140F2E0A2A9D894823\libraries\COM683_-Edge_and_Embedded_Intelligence-_CW2_inferencing\edge-impulse-sdk\porting\espressif\ESP-NN\src\convolution\esp_nn_depthwise_conv_s8_mult1_3x3_padded_esp32s3.S.o: No such file or directory

I can verify that the .S files exist in the directory of my project, but dont exist in the file path mentioned above.

Project ID:




  • Platform: [e.g., Raspberry Pi, nRF9160 DK, etc.]
  • Build Environment Details: [e.g., Arduino IDE 1.8.19 ESP32 Core for Arduino 2.0.4]
  • OS Version: [e.g., Ubuntu 20.04, Windows 10]
  • Edge Impulse Version (Firmware): [e.g., 1.2.3]
  • To find out Edge Impulse Version:
  • if you have pre-compiled firmware: run edge-impulse-run-impulse --raw and type AT+INFO. Look for Edge Impulse version in the output.
  • if you have a library deployment: inside the unarchived deployment, open model-parameters/model_metadata.h and look for EI_STUDIO_VERSION_MAJOR, EI_STUDIO_VERSION_MINOR, EI_STUDIO_VERSION_PATCH

Additional Information:
[Any other information that might be relevant]

I’ll need the env info as well.

I remember we had a similar issue for a very old mbed core. What is your mbed core version?