Arduino code not compiling

Question/Issue: i have trained a model to detect three traffic signs using esp 32 cam by using edge impulse but the code does not compile it is stuck in between and never finishes the compilation can anyone please help me

**Project ID:**361770

**Context/Use case:**the arduino code given for the model that i made never compiles it is stuck between and never finishes compiling

Hello @grand_wizard,

Could you share the compilation errors please?



it is not showing any error sir because it does not finish compiling ,the compiling process is stuck in the midway and nothing happens

I have exactly same problem. I tried using ESP32 Dev Module as board and enabled PSRAM. What could be the problem?

I am having the same problem. I am using a Arduino 33 BLE. I tried deploying multiple times and get the same issue the compile just stops. If I remove the *.h file the compile goes farther but then gives a compile error.

Hi @grand_wizard and @gabemolino,

Please wait more time. Especially on Windows, compilation with an Edge Impulse library can take 10+ minutes. Models (especially vision-based models) are quite large and can take time to compile.