Arduino BLE Sense libraries "invalid model for current sensor"

Every Arduino library example program includes the last 3 lines:
#error “Invalid model for current sensor”

I am wondering how this works because I cannot compile any of the examples, due to this error message.

Hi @pbalesparks,

If you cannot compile this means that the model you’ve exported does not match the sensor (in the example applcation).
See EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR in model-parameters/model_metadata.h. In your case it should read EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER.

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Hello I have the solution

just follow the instructions

After including the library in the sketch

Then go to file and then copy the path of the library from preference

Go to the Library–> (Your edge impulse file ) → scr → Model-Perameters–>Model metadata…

Open the Model metadata file, and then find ( EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR )

in front of ( EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR ) you will find ( EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR_FUSION ) this


and then see this ( “accX + accY + accZ + gyrX + gyrY + gyrZ + magX + magY + magZ” )

change this to ( “accX + accY + accZ” )

and then

( #define EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME ) in front of this there is 9 do change 9 to 3 and then

SAVE now you can use it.

It will not show any error.

refresh it and use it.


Thank you, sir. Extremely helpful

Hello, i was trying to use EI to run my first accelerator test with my RAK4631. Following your precious suggestion i was able to compile the code. there was only necessity to change this part: in front of ( EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR ) you will find ( EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR_FUSION ), the coordinates line was different (#define EI_CLASSIFIER_FUSION_AXES_STRING “‘X’ + ‘Y’ + ‘Z’”) and the samples per frame was already 3, but on runtime i get an error: Failed to initialize IMU! Could you please suggest me what could be wrong now?