is a 404. Where can I find the information on how to build and deploy?
is a 404. Where can I find the information on how to build and deploy?
Hi @mkarliner,
If you are looking for information on how to deploy your trained model, then you probably want this doc page: Deployment - Edge Impulse Documentation
If you are looking for information on how to develop your own custom deployment block, then that page has moved to here: Deployment blocks - Edge Impulse Documentation
I made an impulse using the Syntiant IMU, not realising that it limited my deployment options, so I couldn’t work out why I couldn’t export a C++ package as documented.
However, if I kept going and output a custom block
the link in the green box, is a 404…
I’ve now a made a version without the Syntiant IMU and I’m working on deployment as documented, but the 404 report is valid. You might also mention the effect of using the Syntiant IMU somewhere
Hello @mkarliner,
I have fixed the redirection issue.
We are currently revisiting the workflow depending on which board you choose to avoid the issue you mentioned.
Thanks for your feedback.