Well that was easy. Just needed:
pixel = (raw_bytes[i]>>8) | (raw_bytes[i]<<8);
OV7670 Camera image cropped 80x80 and camera is a bit out of focus.
Well that was easy. Just needed:
pixel = (raw_bytes[i]>>8) | (raw_bytes[i]<<8);
OV7670 Camera image cropped 80x80 and camera is a bit out of focus.
I also got the Portenta Vision Shield Camera working with C++ and myu 48x48 color trained impulse. I am getting good results.
So some issues with focus and lighting on the Portenta are because it has auto-exposure (and maybe auto-focus) too but if you snapshot immediately then this has not kicked in. We’ve been working on it a bit together with the OpenMV folks and putting it together in a library. Additionally we’re adding fast resize and crop functions for the data in as well.
The success with uploading csv files here using the Portenta has made me think about this old thread about auto labelling data using the data forwarder. So this is a Feature Request that a few people may find useful:
To the Data Acquisition page when a device is connected for the data forwarder add a repeater field near the start sampling button. Have an interval repeat area where you can determine a repeat cycle. That way users could enter a label and have data forwarded every 30 seconds/ 10 mins/ 2 hours etc.
Arduino sketch used on my library here